Covid 19
Dear Jewish Family Services Stakeholder,
Shalom Park is committed to the safety, health and well-being of our Members, Program participants, guests, and Staff. We are always vigilant with our protocols and the measures that we take to ensure the safety and well-being of the community.

We want to assure you that the Shalom Park Senior Leadership is keeping up to date on the Corona-virus (COVID-19), is listening to recommendations coming f rom appropriate authorities, and taking proactive steps to minimize any potential spread.
In an effort to ensure the health and well-being of our clients, staff and volunteers, JFS is asking that you follow the reconunended protocols identified in this letter. We would re-quest that if you are sick and scheduled for an appointment, please call to cancel your ap-pointment and we are happy to reschedule your appointment when you are feeling better.
The following are the specific steps that the Shalom Park leadership is taking in an ongoing effort to prevent the spread of illness within the community:
- Our cleaning personnel will continue the use of high-level antiviral cleaning agents to properly disinfect the entire facility on a daily basis.
- We have reviewed our daily cleaning and sanitation protocol for all program ar-eas and have modified and enhanced daily procedures where necessary and ap-propriate, and we have taken steps to ensure that we will have the necessary sup-plies to do this.
- Our staff are being reminded and retrained on procedures for sanitizing toys, equipment, as well as high use surfaces throughout our facilities.
- We will be making sure that all of our youth program participants will engage in frequent and proper hand-washing and that we remind them about proper usage of tissues and their disposal for runny noses.
As the Shalom Park staff works hard in the above-mentioned ways, there are steps that we would like to ask you, our valued members and guest to take to aid in our efforts to promote and maintain a healthy environment:
- If you are not feeling well and exhibit any symptoms of illness, please refrain from using the facilities until all symptoms have subsided. If you have a fever please make sure that you are fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication before returning to the LJCC to use the facilities or partici-pate in any programs.
- If you are planning to do any personal travel in the coming months and during the upcoming spring break season, please take a moment to familiarize your-selves with information about the areas where infection rates are high and the chance for disease transmission is heightened. You can find in formation on the CDC’s Coronavirus Disease Travel Page HERE.
- Please wash your hands f requently, consider carrying hand sanitizer to use if soap and water is not readily available, cover your mouth and nose when sneez-ing (if a tissue is not readily available use the upper part of your arm/sleeve), and properly dispose of tissues and paper towels in appropriate trash receptacles.
For any of you who would like more information about the Corona virus, frequently asked questions, or how to mitigate the transmission of the disease, please use the following links for your review: CDC Coronavirus Fact Sheet I and CDC Coronavirus Fact Sheet 2.