Support Services
Accessing the JFS Food Pantry
Jewish Family Services provides food, personal care items and other necessities from our food pantry. We understand during these difficult times the needs are great.
Current food pantry clients will be contacted regarding ordering, pick-up and/or delivery.
If you are not currently a JFS Food Pantry Client, and are in need of assistance, please fill out the “I need assistance” form or call 704.364.6594 and a member of our staff will contact you.
Older Adults
Now more than ever, we at JFS understand the importance of human connection, especially with our most vulnerable population – our seniors. Our staff and volunteers are providing on-going personal contact, by phone, and sharing online resources so seniors can remain engaged and connected.
We continue to monitor the needs of this community so we are able to provide all types of assistance, especially for those who are home-bound and unable to retrieve the supplies they need. If you or someone you know needs assistance, please click on the “I need assistance” form or call JFS at 704.364.6594.
Financial Support
Medical illness, job loss and other hardships are not uncommon during times like these. JFS is working on providing support and assistance whenever feasible and possible. If you or someone you know needs assistance, please fill out the “I need assistance” form or call us at 704.364.6594.
We greatly appreciate how many of you have reached out and offered to help with food or medication deliveries, preparing meals, making calls or doing whatever is needed. THANK YOU!
We invite all those who would like to help to fill out the “I want to volunteer” form. We will match up your areas of expertise with the volunteer opportunties.
Mental Health
We at JFS are working hard to provide mental health support to our clients. Currently, we are engaging with clients via phone and visual conferencing and will continue to do whatever is necessary for clients to feel safe and supported at this time.
If you are not a current client but would like to explore these services, please fill out the “I need assistance” form or call us at 704.364.6594. Someone will contact you within 24-48 hours.
Online Programs and Activities
Stress-Relieving Activities
3-Minute Breathing Space:
Full Yogic breathing:
Progressive Muscle Relaxation:
Savoring Our Jewish Community – from the Foundation for the Charlotte Jewish Community
Foundation for the Charlotte Jewish Community is proud to partner with I’m Not Done Yet for a series of facilitated open forums to keep us connected to one another and our community.
Connect virtually via Zoom for 30 minutes twice a week on Mondays at noon and Thursdays at 7:30 p.m.
The strength of our Jewish community requires us to care for each other, especially for those of us in physical, emotional, and financial need.
For additional information, questions or ideas please contact Sharon Blumberg at or Phil Warshauer
For virtual worship services, both Temple Beth El and Temple Israel offer live streaming:
Other Virtual tours and activities: The beautiful tulip season is currently in full bloom in the Netherlands, even if no guests are allowed to tour the gardens. Take a virtual tour through one of the main tourist attractions in Holland with this link. Here’s a quick tour of a 3D art exposition in Paris And here’s a quick story from Itzhak Perlman to lighten our mood!
For musical diversion:
For exercise at home: or
For caregivers:
Coronavirus & Older Adults (AARP answers your questions)
Family Caregiving During Coronavirus
Managing Caregiver Stress (from CDC)
Common Wealth Charlotte: Advanced Financial Advisors are available to answer some basic questions: “What if I cannot pay my mortgage?” “What if I cannot cover my car payment?” Text the word “finances” to 474747 and submit a question.
Disaster Distress Helpline: Provides crisis counseling and support for anyone in the U.S. experiencing distress or other behavioral health concerns related to any natural or human-caused disaster, including public health emergencies. Call (1-800-985-5990) or text (text “TalkWithUs” to 66746) are answered by a network of independently-operated crisis centers.
NC 211 Hotline remains open and available to support those who need resources. NC 2-1-1 is an information and referral service that families and individuals can call to get free and confidential information on health and human services resources within their community. Info available here.
NASA makes their entire media library publicly accessible and copyright free:
Additional Resources and Tip sheets:

24/7 Help-lines for Support & Resources
- Mecklenburg County Public Health Department
980-314-9400/ - Center for Disease Control (CDC):
- Atrium Health 24/7 Behavioral Health Line (local for Charlotte)
704-444-2400 or 800-418-2065 - Cardinal Innovations Mental Health Crisis Line – Call **275 (**ASK)
- National Suicide Hotline 24/7
1-800-784-2433 - The Trevor Project- LGBTQ+ crisis hotline 24/7
1-866-488-7386 - Crisis Text Line- 24/7 Text Hotline
Text “Hello” to 741-741
Behavioral Health Emergency Services
(local for Charlotte)
Mobile Crisis (704) 566-3410 (Choose Option 1)
(24/7 crisis assistance counselors in Charlotte)
911-Emergency Services
Domestic Violence Support & Resources
- National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233
- Safe Alliance (Charlotte DV Shelter and services) 704-336-3210
- Greater Charlotte Hope Line (Crisis Line for parenting, DV and sexual assault)
980-771-HOPE (4673)