Client Forms

New Client Forms

Please print and complete the following forms and bring to your initial appointment:

All New Clients to Read: Office Policies, Notification of Rights, Practices & Policies and print and sign one of the following packets:

  1. New Client – Case Management
  2. New Client – Child & Adolescent Therapy
  3. New Client – Adult Therapy

Current Client Forms

If you are a current client of JFS, we ask that you update your forms for 2021.

Read: Office Policies, Notification of Rights, Practices & Policies and complete the following forms and mail them to JFS or bring them to your first appointment in 2021.  If you have any questions, please contact JFS at 704.364.6594.

  1. Current Client – Case Management
  2. Current Client – Child & Adolescent Therapy
  3. Current Client – Adult Therapy